The following illustrations and text explain the common design details using ridges that can occur on refurbishment and new work.
Bedded ridge
Lay top course of underlay from one side of ridge over apex to overlap top course at other side by not less than 150mm.
Fix finishing courses of tops tiles. Lay ridge tiles by continuously bedding at edges and solidly bedding with tile slips inserted into mortar at joints between ridges.
Where masonry walls support or abut ridge, all ridge tiles within 900mm of such walls must be mechanically secured. Fix to supplementary ridge tile fixing batten with nails, clips or wire, etc, as recommended by manufacturer.
Fill ends of ridges at gables with mortar and slips of tiles finished flush.
Dry fixed ridge
Ensure dry ridge system is compatible with particular tiles and ridges. Check with manufacturer for advice. Terminate underlay 30mm from apex, or as recommended by manufacturer. If required fix appropriate supplementary ridge batten. Fix finishing courses of tops tiles maintaining specified headlap and with clearance to ridge batten. Fit dry ridge system and ridge tiles in accordance with Manufacturers Recommendations.
Use stop end or block end ridges at gables.
Bedded monopitch ridge
Carry top course of underlay over apex by not less than 150mm. Fix finishing course of tops tiles. Lay ridge tiles by continuously bedding at sloping edge and solidly bedding with tile slips inserted into mortar at joints between ridges.
Fix vertical face of ridge tiles to ridge fixing batten with screws or nails as recommended by manufacturer.
Fill ends of ridges at gables with mortar and slips of tiles finished flush.